Свежие заявки
Куплю земснаряд 800/40
07.11.2024 | Атырау
Купим трубоукладчик
07.11.2024 | Ташкент
Купим земснаряд
07.11.2024 | Алма-Ата
Куплю растворонасос
06.11.2024 | Москва
Куплю ножничный подъемник
05.11.2024 | Гусь Хрустальный
Куплю установку ГНБ
05.11.2024 | Ташкент
Куплю козловой кран
05.11.2024 | Тбилиси
Куплю погрузчик
05.11.2024 | Кемерово
Куплю автовышку
05.11.2024 | Ростов-на-Дону
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Компания Consolidated Equipment Group

+61 (0) 7 5520 3186 Продавец оффлайн 10 лет на площадке
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Consolidated Equipment Group
As a leading provider of new and used equipment and machinery worldwide, We take pride in offering the right equipment for the right job.

We are dedicated to working with our customers to meet their needs each and every day. Our team will assist you in finding the right equipment and ensuring that you don't pay too much. We have over 25 years experience in the industry throughout the world.

Our team has a considerable amount of experience in training, maintenance support and in field service and support. This allows use to provide to our customer turnkey solutions to their unique needs.
Специализация Consolidated Equipment Group
Поставщики спецтехники
  • Поставщики карьерной и горной техники